Character Charts the Course

Improve Leadership Skills by Understanding Character Traits and Ethical Decision-Making

Lessons in Leadership

It is a Question of Character
"Arch of Traits"

The Crucible of Crisis

  • Crisis Managers see many full learning cycles of success to failure to success.
  • Failure is generally the result of non-constructive and non-responsive conduct by management.
  • Under the stress of crisis, an individual's character is exposed and tested.
  • As a general rule, a company's most valuable asset is its employees, and how they are led in trying times can determine the outcome of the crisis.
Arch of Traits
Arch of Traits

Snyder Family Values

What they represent and how to instill them

Major Categories

  • Basics – predicate values taught in childhood
  • Character – advanced personal traits that can be taught
  • Purpose – values that are used to guide roles in life
  • Community – values that are earned
  • Enlightenment – lifelong commitment to continuing education
  • Faith/Empathy – values guiding how the world is viewed